Earl Staley

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Several themes run throughout my paintings. I painted myths, maps and memories forty years ago and I am painting myths, maps and memories today.

These themes were present in my work before I discovered Mr. Campbell and Mr. Jung, men whose writings clarified for me what I was painting.

My paintings describe my life before I am actually aware of what is occurring in my day-to-day. The paintings are my life’s barometer. Looking back, I see where I’ve been and how I arrived in the present moment.

Images enter and depart from my paintings in cyclical fashion. They arrive, expand and then fade into another reoccurring image.

As a young person in Chicago, I read mythologies and returned again and again to museums to look at paintings. I was a Boy Scout taking camping trips, drawing maps and studying Native American lore. In college, my first paintings were of Native American dancers.

Native American mythology, Greco/Roman mythology, Judo/Christian mythology, maps, landscapes, art history have all been ever shifting reference points throughout my long career.

This new work speaks of memories and includes a series of collage painting made from older work, now given new life. They are mythic memory maps.

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